Monday, March 22, 2010

A Chance To Give

Hey everyone! As many of you know Ben and Carol Huff's little girl Lizzie was recently diagnosed with a brain tumor. She spent a significant amount of time in the hospital and is now home with a long road of recovery ahead of her. We recently found out that they were chosen as the benefit family for this weekend's annual high school alumni basketball tournament. A few of us were talking and wanted to try and help them out by raising some additional money on our own. We know times are tough and it is short notice, but any amount would be greatly appreciated. Ben and Carol are usually on the giving end of things, but now it is their turn to be on the receiving end. If you are willing/able to help please e-mail Janilynn at ASAP for more info (checks will be made out to the Todd Morrison Alumni Tournament)....and spread the word. Thanks, Janilynn and Marcus

1 comment:

The Huffies said...

Marc & Jan, thank you, we love you guys so much and appreciate the word you did for our family...we are so grateful.